I’m running the Race For Life!

I’ve signed up to run the Race For Life on Sunday 19 June, and I’m excited!

I last ran it in 2018 (when I was a lot fitter than I am now), and I managed to complete it in under 30 minutes. For a non-runner who doesn’t train specifically in running, I was really quite pleased with my completion time back then. Over the past six months or so, I’ve struggled a fair bit with my physical health: chest and lung infections, covid, and long covid have featured prominently in my life, so running a 5k hasn’t been on the cards at all recently. To be honest, the run will be a personal test of my own capacity, as I’ve been ‘taking it easy’ for so long now that I’m actually not sure what I’m truly capable of anymore. If I run it in under 40 minutes, I’ll be pleased.

Along with many others, I have family connections to cancer. Both my grandmothers lived with cancer for a period of their lives, and I too had a personal scare back when I was on the diagnosis journey for endometriosis: doctors were treating my condition as suspected ovarian cancer. As a 21-year-old, this was scary. Cancer is scary at any age. The Race For Life is in aid of Cancer Research UK, which gives it an extra personal significance for me. I will be collecting donations for my run, so if you have any spare pennies I’d really appreciate you donating via the button below. Here’s to a good race, and to raising lots of money for a lifesaving charity!


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